
Dental Implants


Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium that are surgically placed into the jawbone to replace missing teeth. The implant fuses to the jawbone through a process called osseointegration. After healing, a crown is attached to the implant post to complete the restoration.

Implants help prevent bone loss and provide stability for replacement teeth that look and function like natural teeth. They are an excellent long-term solution for missing teeth. Shova Dental Clinic Dhaka offers dental implant surgery using the latest technology and techniques.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a procedure that lightens and brightens teeth. Whitening products contain peroxides that penetrate the enamel and alter the natural tooth color. In-office whitening uses higher concentrated peroxide gels along with heat and light to maximize results in one visit.

At-home whitening involves wearing custom trays filled with lower-dose whitening gels for a few weeks. Both methods effectively brighten smiles by removing deep stains from drinking coffee, tea, wine, and smoking. Shova Dental Clinic Dhaka offers a variety of teeth whitening options to suit your needs and budget.

Dental Braces

Dental Braces

Braces apply pressure to straighten misaligned teeth and improve bite function. Traditional metal braces use brackets glued to the teeth and archwires that create forces to move teeth into the proper position over time. Clear ceramic braces are less visible.

Invisalign uses a series of clear plastic aligners that are changed out every few weeks to incrementally shift teeth. Braces work best when started younger, but adults can benefit too. Proper orthodontic treatment leads to a healthy, functional bite for life. Shova Dental Clinic Dhaka offers a variety of braces options, including traditional metal braces, clear braces, and Invisalign.

Dental Cleaning

Dental Cleaning

Dental cleanings remove tartar and plaque that accumulate on teeth and below the gumline. A hygienist will scrape and polish the teeth to remove surface stains, then clean under the gums. Cleanings also include examining for signs of decay and oral cancer. Most people should get a professional cleaning every 6 months to prevent gum disease and cavities.

Good oral hygiene at home, including brushing, flossing, and mouthwash, is also important between dental visits. Shova Dental Clinic Dhaka offers regular dental cleanings to help you maintain good oral health.

Root Canal

Root Canal

Root canal treatment fixes severely infected or damaged tooth pulp caused by deep decay or injury. The pulp chamber and root canal are cleaned, disinfected, and sealed. The tooth is then repaired with a crown or filling to restore normal appearance and chewing function.

Though the inner tooth is removed, the outer enamel and dentin layers remain intact to save the tooth. Root canals relieve pain and prevent the need for extraction. Shova Dental Clinic Dhaka offers root canal therapy using the latest technology and techniques.

Dental Filling

Dental Filling

Fillings repair teeth damaged by decay. The decayed portion is drilled out and replaced with a durable filling material. Composite resin fillings match the natural tooth shade and are preferred for visible areas.

Amalgam fillings contain mercury mixed with metals and last longer, so may be used for back molars. Proper brushing, flossing, fluoride, and dental visits will help prevent fillings by catching decay early while spots are small and manageable. Shova Dental Clinic Dhaka offers a variety of filling materials to choose from.

Dental Extraction

Dental Extraction

Tooth extraction is the surgical removal of a tooth that is non-restorable due to severe infection, damage or decay. The tooth may be erupted fully in the mouth or impacted under the gums.

The dentist numbs the area, loosens the tooth with instruments, and carefully extracts it. Recovery involves bite pressure and ice to control bleeding and swelling. The space left behind will require an implant or orthodontic treatment if in the smile zone. Shova Dental Clinic Dhaka offers dental extractions using the latest technology and techniques.

Kids Dentistry

Kids Dentistry

Caring for children’s teeth starts as soon as the first tooth appears. Kids dentists are specially trained to handle behavioral and developmental challenges. They use friendly, kid-focused approaches to make children comfortable with oral exams, cleanings, fluoride, sealants, and fillings to prevent bigger problems.

Early and routine dental care helps instill lifelong oral health habits. Preventive and restorative treatments ensure children develop properly and maintain healthy smiles. Shova Dental Clinic Dhaka offers a variety of kids’ dentistry services, including checkups, cleanings, fillings, and braces.

Comfort Dentistry

Comfort Dentistry

Comfort dentistry uses technology to create a pleasant and painless dental experience. Methods include sedation dentistry that allows you to relax through longer procedures. Local anesthesia alternatives like The Wand Computerized Delivery System provide comfortable numbness.

Noise-canceling headphones, neck pillows, warm blankets, and massage also help patients feel at ease. More dentists now offer a spa-like experience to reduce anxiety and fear. The goal is to make even major dental work relaxed and comfortable. Shova Dental Clinic Dhaka offers a variety of comfort dentistry options, such as nitrous oxide (laughing gas), sedation dentistry, and anxiety-reducing techniques.